Salted Lightly
Your #1 Propane Supplier in the Antelope Valley | Lancaster CA | Palmdale CA
Propane Tank Repair Services
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Every delivery should be made professionally and on a timely basis.
The safety of our employees, customers, and the communities we serve is our 1st priority.
Propane Tank Repairs:
LP gas tanks will likely need repairs if they are not properly maintained. Propane tanks beyond repair are taken out of service as required by law for safety reasons. Preventative maintenance helps avoid costly tank repairs and extends the propane tanks service life. Propane tank repairs are generally made when the tank is empty. Replacing propane valves and parts that are in direct communication with the inside of the LP gas tank include the fill valve, relief valve, parts of the service valve, and the float assembly of the percentage gauge. Propane tanks do not have to be empty for repairs such as:
replacing the dial chamber of the percentage gauge
tightening the dial screws of a leaking percentage gauge
tightening threaded valves
regulator replacement or pigtail replacement
propane tank leveling and painting (depending on the tank size)
Propane Tank Maintenance:
Preventative maintenance ensures a long life for your propane tank and helps reduce the number of repairs. For instance, rusty propane tanks are dark in color, absorb heat from the sun, and can cause the relief valve to open due to excess pressure buildup inside the tank. If the relief valve does not close properly, all of the gas will leak out and the relief valve will have to be replaced. This also presents another problem, the LP gas system has lost all pressure...this is when gas leaks develop. Not only does the propane have to be replaced, but the relief valve as well. The required leak test may uncover more problems resulting in an extremely costly repair. This could have all been avoided by painting the propane tank a reflective color, which is required by law.
LP Gas System Repairs:
LP gas plumbing and piping systems consist of everything between the propane tank and the propane appliance. This typically includes the regulator, underground gas line, the interior LPG plumbing, and the propane gas valves at the wall. Any number of reasons can cause a gas leak to occur within the LP gas system such as:
running out of propane
improper system modification by unlicensed individual
improper LP gas system installation
digging or trenching through the underground LP gas line
testing LP gas system improperly with excessive pressure
interruption of propane flow
propane tank movement
any loss of vapor pressure
Our propane service department is able to troubleshoot LPG system problems, tank problems, and many appliance issues. Our service trucks contain the necessary repair parts for most all LP gas related problems that may arise.
LPG Repair Capabilities:
Our LPG troubleshooting and repair capabilities include (but are not limited to) the following:
Propane regulator testing and replacement
Gas tank leveling
Valve, gauge, and propane connection replacement
LP Gas piping modification
Propane appliance conversion
Pressure testing, leak testing, and LPG leak repair
Move propane tanks
Propane vaporizer installation and repair
Heater cleaning and maintenance
Propane Fuel Basics
Also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or propane autogas, propane is a clean-burning alternative fuel that's been used for decades to power light-, medium-, and heavy-duty propane vehicles.
Propane is a three-carbon alkane gas (C3H8). It is stored under pressure inside a tank as a colorless, odorless liquid. As pressure is released, the liquid propane vaporizes and turns into gas that is used in combustion. An odorant, ethyl mercaptan, is added for leak detection.
Propane has a high octane rating, making it an excellent choice for spark-ignited internal combustion engines. If spilled or released from a vehicle, it presents no threat to soil, surface water, or groundwater. Propane is produced as a byproduct of natural gas processing and crude oil refining. It accounts for about 2% of the energy used in the United States. Of that, less than 3% is used for transportation. Its main uses include home and water heating, cooking and refrigerating food, clothes drying, and powering farm and industrial equipment. The chemical industry also uses propane as a raw material for making plastics and other compounds.
Propane as an Alternative Fuel
Interest in propane as an alternative transportation fuel stems from its domestic availability, high-energy density, clean-burning qualities, and relatively low cost. It is the world's third most common transportation fuel, behind gasoline and diesel, and is considered an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Propane used in vehicles is specified as HD-5 propane and is a mixture of propane with smaller amounts of other gases. According to the Gas Processors Association's HD-5 specification for propane, it must consist of at least 90% propane, no more than 5% propylene, and 5% other gases, primarily butane and butylene.
For vehicle fueling, the quick-release "Type K15" dispenser connector is required to be installed on all new vehicles beginning January 1, 2020, per National Fire Protection Association Code 58. This connector allows for one-handed fueling and does not require the use of personal protective equipment such as gloves and face shield (which are required for the older style connector).
Propane is stored onboard a vehicle in a tank pressurized to about 150 pounds per square inch—about twice the pressure of an inflated truck tire. Under this pressure, propane becomes a liquid with an energy density 270 times greater than its gaseous form. Propane has a higher octane rating than gasoline, so it can be used with higher engine compression ratios and is more resistant to engine knocking. However, it has a lower British thermal unit rating than gasoline, so it takes more fuel by volume to drive the same distance.
Properties and Characteristics
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is available from propane suppliers or distributors and must be available and accessible to all employees at the workplace. The MSDS provides important information on propane including physical properties, health effects, first aid, safety precautions, and personal protective equipment (PPE). This program will discuss information from the MSDS that relates to your job of dispensing propane safely. Propane is either a liquid or a gas depending on the amount of pressure it is stored under. To keep propane as a liquid above its normal boiling point, it must be stored and transported in pressure-tight containers. Liquid propane stored in containers at ambient temperatures will boil off and become a vapor that occupies empty space in the container. This vapor is what is used in customer appliances and equipment. Like water, liquid propane will expand when heated. However, liquid propane will increase in volume nearly 17 times greater than water will. To allow for this expansion, propane containers are filled typically to only 80% of their capacity. If liquid propane is released into the air, the lack of pressure quickly causes it to vaporize and expand to 270 times its original volume. Therefore, liquid propane leaks can be more hazardous than vapor leaks. Propane is non-toxic, but its vapor is still dangerous to inhale because it displaces oxygen. Since propane vapor is 1-1/2 times heavier than air, propane released in a confined space may initially remain in low-lying areas. However, if there is sufficient air movement, especially outdoors, the vapor will quickly dissipate in the air. When released into the atmosphere, liquid propane has a refrigerating effect that makes everything it touches extremely cold. This means if it comes in contact with your skin, it can cause third-degree or deep-freeze burns. For this reason, you should wear gloves or other PPE resistant to propane when filling containers. Your employer may require additional safety equipment, depending on your specific responsibilities. For more information on PPE see the resources section (Module 10). Every time propane is released, there is potential for hazard. Three ingredients are needed to start and sustain combustion—propane, oxygen, and an ignition source. All three ingredients must be present for combustion to occur, and the ignition source must provide enough heat to the propaneoxygen mixture to raise the temperature of propane to its ignition point. In order to minimize possible ignition sources that could lead to combustion, customers should be restricted from the immediate area around the liquid propane transfer areas.